(Español) analisis de link de litio
- Lithium Hydroxide
- Lithium Carbonate
- Sodium Chloride
- Sylvinite
- Potassium Sulfate
- Potassium Chloride
- Potassium Nitrate
- Sodium Nitrate
- Thermo-Solar Salts
- (Español) Allganic® Potassium
- (Español) Speedfol™ Amino Starter SC
- (Español) Qrop® KS
- (Español) ULTRASOL® K PLUS
- Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate / Bischofite
- Iodine (ACS/US/EP grade)
- Awards ceremony for winners of the “Vivencias Pampinas” Short Story Contest
- SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition celebrates first anniversary of Responsible Care Executive Committee
- Local officials visit hydroponic center at Iquique correctional facility
- Nueva Victoria plant, the world’s first to certify iodine production under ISO 50001:2018
- Activa Fest 2024: Fun, sports and sustainability in Mejillones
- Tocopilla en Verde festival successfully celebrates sustainability and the environment
- Inclusive flavors: Pizza masterclass united young people with disabilities and authorities in Antofagasta
- ActivaFest Iquique 2024: A Celebration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Antofagasta’s Saltpeter Week culminates with the awarding of the “2024 Pampa Leaders”
- Saltpeter Week 2024 offers a variety of events
- (Español) Los 20 de Innovación: Iniciativas que impulsan el presente y futuro de SQM
- “Locos por Reciclar 2024” celebrated creativity and recycling in several northern towns
- Over 2 thousand people visited Innovafest 2024, northern Chile’s largest innovation, science and technology fair
- Third edition of Miradas Compartidas Northern Olympics attracted over 400 participants
- Port sector meets at the Second Technical Roundtable
- Pampa gathering spotlights legacy of José Francisco Vergara Nitrates Office
- Developing unique capabilities that transform resources into life and progress
- Comprehensive support program launched for caregivers of people with disabilities.
- (Español) SQM Refuerza Medidas de Protección de Fauna en Planta Química de Litio.
- Mining Month: SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition presented literary work highlighting scientist Stanley Freed
- Mining Council welcomes SQM as a new member
- More than 100 young people to be part of the first Environmental Network of Tocopilla
- Second version of Alianza Antofagasta’s Social University program launched
- Medicine for all in El Tamarugal: Huara inaugurates new Farmacia Fracción
- SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal and ENGIE opened their doors to Tocopilla’s school community
- Mining companies reaffirm their commitment to regional employability project
- More than 500 people are expected to participate in the new version of the Environmental Program in Tocopilla
- SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal held first Road Safety Fair in María Elena
- Entrepreneurs and fishermen benefited from the Activa Pisagua Program
- El Puerto Cowork entrepreneurs connected with potential customers, formed partnerships and made sales at EXPONOR 2024
- Codelco and SQM sign partnership agreement making Chile a leader in the global lithium market
- ABF 2024 ends with a chilean champion and a large-scale sports and cultural festival
- Antofagasta becomes the epicenter of world bodyboarding with ABF 2024
- UCN welcomes 230 high school students who will participate in school linkage programs
- SQM to attend Exponor 2024 with business center
- XI edition of VilTI SeMANN launched in Antofagasta
- SQM’s Iodine and Plant Nutrition Division receives global certification for energy and environmental management
- Seminar on Regional Employment Plan addressed the labor market and the impact of interregional commuting
- Women Leaders of the Desert: Northern women building a better society
- Twelve women from the region recognized in first ‘Women Leaders 2024’ contest
- SQM’s Nitrates Iodine Division will use seawater in its production processes
- SQM’s Nitrates Iodine Division renews commitment to Iquique Women’s Soccer Team
- Inauguration of the first Seabird Rescue Center along Tarapacá Coastline
- (Español) Emprendedores y emprendedoras de San Pedro de Atacama fueron premiados por sus novedosos y deliciosos productos
- More than 100 children and young people participated in María Elena Veranea 2024
- Farmers’ market vendors and SQM launch unprecedented zero organic waste project in María Elena
- Local businesses in Antofagasta and Tarapacá innovate by implementing e-commerce
- “Promises Store” wins first place in the “Nada Nos Detiene” contest in Alto Hospicio
- “Leaders of Tocopilla” Recognized
- (Español) Con entrega de reconocimientos y exposición de trabajos finalizó el Taller de Reciclaje de Vidrio en Toconao
- (Español) La escritura local se tomó enero con la II versión del concurso de cuentos Lulantur Tatai
- Strengthening Iquique’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with the Nothing Stops Us Championship
- (Español) Entregan certificados a estudiantes del programa Aula Salar, Educación Itinerante
- (Español) Más de 400 personas congregó los 3 días del 1er Congreso Agrícola Pecuario SQM Salar en San Pedro de Atacama
- (Español) Comunidad de Cucuter y la puesta en valor del Bosque de Tamarugos
- (Español) Vecinas y vecinos de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama participan en Academia de Riego impulsada por SQM Salar
- Sustainable María Elena (MES) began its first steering project in the Pampa
- SQM’s Port of Tocopilla receives international environmental management certification
- (Español) Hasta el 14 de enero se esperan los escritos para la 2da versión del concurso de cuentos Lulantur Tatai
- (Español) Culminó la sexta versión del programa de nivelación de estudios en San Pedro de Atacama
- SQM presents first set of 100% electric equipment in large-scale mining in the Americas
- (Español) SQM Salar llevó la alegría de la navidad a niños, niñas y adultos mayores de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama
- (Español) Vecinos y vecinas de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama participaron de charla de liderazgo positivo
- SQM stands out for its commitment to and progress towards a circular economy
- SQM’s Coya Sur and Nueva Victoria sites obtained ISO 50001:2018 certification for their Energy Management System
- Alfalfa Production Center in La Tirana receives national award from UN Global Compact
- More than 800 people trained through SQM’s Community Technical Training Program
- (Español) Casa abierta de Toconao estuvo a disposición de la Comunidad
- Second Innovation and Agricultural Entrepreneurship Meeting in La Tirana attracted nearly 200 attendees
- Successful closing of third version of NorTEduca, an innovative program promoting STEM education in northern Chile
- Great turnout for SQM’s First Scientific Discussion held in San Pedro de Atacama
- Tocopilla Soccer Film Festival honors documentary narrating the origin of women’s soccer in the Aymara community
- Neighbors and merchants of Iquique’s historic district install 500 surveillance cameras to tighten security in the sector
- Nearly 1,000 people attended the 72nd Chilean Agronomic Conference and its activities
- Innovafest 2023: the first version of the largest science, technology and innovation festival in the north was a success
- Agricultural Market, live demonstrations and presentations by national experts headline the 72nd National Agronomy Congress in Iquique
- Tocopilla in Green: A festival to celebrate sustainability and environmental commitment
- (Español) Vilti Móvil llevó la experiencia de la realidad virtual a más de 100 estudiantes de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama
- First seminar for the preservation of native fauna and biodiversity held in Antofagasta
- More than 100 registered for conference organized by UCN industrial engineering students
- SQM appears for the first time in the Merco University Talent 2023 Ranking
- Successful second robotics event in Iquique
- (Español) Jóvenes de Bajo Soga reciben beca para estudios superiores
- FALP and SQM join forces to promote breast cancer prevention
- Choshuenco’s educational program celebrated its first year together with sponsoring organizations and preschools in Antofagasta and Tarapacá
- XII International ASD Conference 2023 held in Antofagasta was a success
- More than 1,200 heads of hydroponic lettuce will be produced by inmates at Iquique Correctional Center
- (Español) Un vehículo 100% eléctrico llamado Fraccionín entregará medicamentos a las comunidades del Salar de Atacama
- The Iguales Foundation has trained more than 600 people in the Antofagasta Region
- Tocopilla welcomes the Soccer Film Festival’s A-list and begins filming
- Universidad de Antofagasta and SQM kick off tenth international lithium conference
- Community of Pozo Almonte benefits from new job training
- Second version of Experiencia E, leading event in electromobility, renewable energies and sustainability
- (Español) Ganaderos y agricultores del Tamarugal impulsan alimentos sustentables
- Fifth version of Mininn Summit focused on innovation, new technologies and digitalization in mining
- Agriculture in the desert: innovating and protecting the planet
- Artisans from Quillagua exhibited their art inspired in the Aymara culture
- Mejillones celebrated International Coastal Clean-up Day with important environmental milestones
- Juntos por la Infancia recognizes SQM and its corporate volunteer work
- (Español) Asociación Atacameña de regantes y agricultores de la Quebrada de Soncor inauguran estanque de agua con apoyo de SQM
- Women entrepreneurs from Tarapacá wrap up business academy
- Work progresses on first community hotel in Chile and South America: Tockolen in Toconao
- SQM and ByBug join forces to reuse organic waste in San Pedro de Atacama
- Lickan Antay Preschool and SQM launch educational project to promote the Kunza language
- Startup from Antofagasta leads second generation of entrepreneurs from corporate acceleration program SQM Lithium Ventures
- UCN IPP Seminar analyzed impact of lithium policy in the Antofagasta Region
- VILTI SEMANN UCN: science and educational robotics program celebrates 10th anniversary
- SQM’s Salar de Atacama operation becomes the world’s first lithium mining operation to achieve IRMA 75
- Inauguration of first Religious Dances Museum in María Elena
- SQM in mining industry top 5 in Merco Talent Chile 2023 Ranking
- (Español) “Minería se escribe con M de Mujer”
- SQM participates in job placement activity for women in mining in Iquique
- Expo Inclusion and SQM launch new women’s initiative in Tarapacá
- Farm machinery and new roads for families in Bajo Soga
- Startups from Calama, Valparaíso and Santiago win the 3rd version of “More Lithium, Smaller Footprint” The
- Entrepreneurs from the Tarapacá and Antofagasta regions participated in the Sustainable DNA launch
- (Español) Segundo Encuentro de Vinculación Laboral para Mujeres en Minería se realizará en el mes que conmemora el valor y aporte de la industria
- SQM Launches Second Corporate Acceleration Program for Startups
- SQM and LG Energy Solution announce new long-term agreement to supply refined lithium products
- More than 200 children and young people with intellectual disabilities will continue developing their talents in Tarapacá
- (Español) UCN, UA y SQM inauguran el único diplomado en Chile sobre la cadena de valor de la industria del litio
- SQM dons the “10” of women’s soccer
- More than 1,400 participants will benefit from the SQM 2023 Community Training Program
- SQM publishes new version of Sustainability Report highlighting social, environmental and governance milestones
- SQM Lithium Ventures presented the first generation of entrepreneurs within the corporate acceleration program
- Children from Pozo Almonte participate in an innovative science and educational robotics program
- ViLTI SeMANN program sessions kicked off in Antofagasta with ceremony and experiments
- (Español) Lideresas del Salar de Atacama ratifican su compromiso con AMA en el primer aniversario de la Alianza para la Mujer Atacameña
- Sixth version of environmental education program launched in Tocopilla
- Agreement signed to strengthen UCN Preparatory Program
- The Pedro de Valdivia nitrates office has developed a management plan for heritage conservation and visitor safety
- In Tocopilla, important Educational Transfer Agreement signed for children from Tarapacá and Antofagasta
- (Español) Municipalidad de San Pedro de Atacama, SQM y Miradas Compartidas firman acuerdo de colaboración con una perspectiva inclusiva
- (Español) Más de 60 vecinas y vecinos de San Pedro de Atacama participaron en talleres de textiles y reutilización de botellas de vidrio
- SQM’s direct contribution to the Antofagasta Region increased sevenfold over last year as part of its partnership with Corfo
- SQM Announces Long-Term Lithium Supply Agreement with Ford Motor Company
- SQM inaugurates the third call of open innovation proposals for More Lithium, Less Footprint
- Iquique, Pozo Almonte and Antofagasta host the first dates of the E-Kart 2023 tour
- Inauguration of modern power system for ranchers and farmers in La Tirana
- Farmacias Fracción and Hub APTA launch an unprecedented call aimed at measuring their pharmacies’ impact in 3 of the country’s remote communities.
- Committed to gender equality and work-life balance
- Chile’s National Prison Administration and SQM sign agreement for construction of hydroponic center at Iquique PCC
- The Yield Lab Latam announces progress of its third Agrifoodtech fund with new commitments led by IDB Lab, Bimbo, Latam Impact Fund and SQM
- (Español) Escuela de Fútbol Profesional de Toconao inauguró su segundo año con nuevos objetivos deportivos
- (Español) Universidad Católica del Norte presenta Lithium I+D+i, nuevo centro de investigación en baterías de litio
- (Español) Integrantes del Club del Adulto Mayor Simón Benítez inauguraron mural participativo con su historia y su visión de la comuna
- More than 1,500 people participated in the regional innovation and entrepreneurship meeting “Activa Fest 2023”
- ENEL X and SQM present Enade “E-TRUCK”: the first 100% electric high-tonnage truck for large-scale mining
- ViLTI SeMANN Resumes its Activities in the Region with Children from Tocopilla and María Elena
- (Español) SQM recibe reconocimiento por contar con unas de las flotas de transporte más seguras de Chile
- Talks, Workshops and Free Screenings Bring the Second Version of the Tocopilla Soccer Film Festival to Life
- Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture Ventures Take Top Prizes at the Second Version of the Sustainability Challenges Program
- (Español) Gran encuentro cultural fue una atractiva plataforma para escritores y artistas que promueven el valor del territorio
- (Español) Cultora Margarita Chocobar lanzó guía Ckunza para estudiantes de 5° y 6° Básico
- SQM Introduces its Latest Innovation for the Agricultural Industry: A Revolutionary Product that Results in Higher Yielding, Better Quality Crops
- Farmers from Caleta Urco to Implement Innovative Power System for Hydroponic Production
- Sustainability Challenges Program Recognizes Entrepreneurs in Tarapacá
- SQM Commemorates Women’s Month with a Packed Schedule of Events Focused on Promoting Gender Equity in the Industry
- (Español) Cerca de 100 agricultores y agricultoras participaron en primera versión de seminario: “Agricultura Sostenible en el Salar de Atacama”
- SQM Reaches Female Workforce Participation Goal and Takes on New Challenges for 2025
- SQM Launches First Corporate Acceleration Program Focused on Startups
- (Español) Quinta versión del Programa de Nivelación de Estudios certificó a 88 estudiantes de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama
- Mobile Clinic Tours El Tamarugal Offering Breast Cancer Screenings
- More than 120 Women Participate in Driving Course Promoted by the Alliance for Atacameña Women
- SQM Makes Progress in Sustainability, Ratifying its Ranking in the Dow Jones Chile and MILA Indexes
- SQM moves towards carbon neutrality as part of its Sustainability Plan
- SQM Recognized Among Leading Global Companies in S&P’s Sustainability Yearbook 2022
- Eight Hundred Young People Certified to Work in the Mining Industry
- Teleton and SQM Sign Agreement to Strengthen Volunteering and Multi-sector Collaboration
- (Español) Avanzando por el camino de la sostenibilidad
- (Español) ¡Juntos en pro del crecimiento y la creación de valor!
- Family Fun Run kicks off Sustainable Summer in the municipality of María Elena
- SQM Analyzes the Challenges of the New Global Business Paradigm
- Lithium Battery R&D&I Center: Board Meeting Approves Planning for 2023
- (Español) Junta de Vecinos Alto Jama premió a los ganadores del primer torneo de baby fútbol que convocó a 208 deportistas
- More than 6 Thousand People Participated in the First Version of Filzic in San Pedro de Atacama
- (Español) Literatura, teatro y música marcaron primera jornada de Filzic en San Pedro de Atacama
- Gonzalo Muñoz, COP25 Champion, speaks in Tarapacá about progress and challenges in sustainable mining
- SQM in Salar de Atacama during 2022
- SQM in the Antofagasta Region during 2022
- SQM in Tarapacá during 2022
- Around 50 Participants Attended the 1st All-Girls STEM Camp at UCN
- (Español) Con la plantación de quínoa, maíz y alfalfa reimpulsan la agricultura de la Quebrada de Soncor
- (Español) Casa Telar celebró su cuarto aniversario con un intercambio cultural entre artesanas de Quillagua y de los poblados del Salar de Atacama
- More than 500 Medical Services Provided in San Pedro de Atacama Thanks to the AMA Program
- (Español) En la Región de Antofagasta SQM lanza fondo de capital para fortalecer ecosistema emprendedor
- (Español) Proyecto comunitario María Elena Sostenible gana categoría de Innovación Social
- Expansion of rural health clinic in Colonia Agrícola de Pintados inaugurated for 24/7 service
- Farmers in Bajo Soga Receive Tractors and Other Agricultural Equipment
- SQM Expands Capacity of Quillagua’s Rural Drinking Water Reservoir
- Tarapacá to Build its First Seabird Rescue Center
- Girls and Boys from the Regions of Antofagasta and Tarapacá Brought the ViLTI 2022 Olympics to Life
- Kick-off for Bi-regional Program ‘Sustainability Challenges’ Attracted Large Crowd
- ViLTI SeMANN UCN International Seminar
- (Español) SQM cierra con éxito segunda versión de innovador programa implementado por Fundación VOA y Lab4U para mejorar calidad educativa en el norte del país
- Tarapacá Women Give Life to Seminar on Female Participation in the Mining Industry
- (Español) Ingeniero Civil Químico UCN propone alternativas para la recuperación del agua a partir de salmuera para la industria del litio
- (Español) Familias de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama cuentan con la primera farmacia comunitaria que incluye sistema de reparto a domicilio
- (Español) Tercer encuentro de Lakitas “La Voz del Viento” convocó a más de 600 asistentes en Toconao
- (Español) Continúa el campeonato de baby fútbol de Alto Jama con una multitudinaria participación de niños y niñas
- Entrepreneurs Strengthen their Businesses Through the “Activa Pisagua” Program
- (Español) SQM y Jungheinrich lanzan flota de grúas horquilla eléctricas
- 47 Young People from Tarapacá Certified to Work in the Mining Industry
- (Español) Explora Antofagasta llevó la ciencia y la tecnología a la comunidad de María Elena
- (Español) SQM comienza a experimentar innovaciones de startups para optimizar los procesos operacionales en la producción de nitratos y yodo
- (Español) Lanzan programa asociativo de innovación social “María Elena Sostenible (MES)”
- (Español) Proyecto Salar Futuro: SQM desarrolla nuevas formas de producción de litio con uso cero de agua dulce
- (Español) Escuelas de Fútbol de Toconao y María Elena animaron vibrantes partidos amistosos
- (Español) Firman convenio de transferencia pedagógica que beneficiará a 7 jardines infantiles de Antofagasta y Tarapacá
- (Español) UCN y SQM desarrollarán en conjunto actividades de investigación, docencia y vinculación
- (Español) USM y SQM firman convenio de cooperación para el desarrollo de investigación aplicada
- (Español) “Nada Nos Detiene” arriba a Antofagasta con tres torneos comunales
- (Español) “Nada Nos Detiene” arriba a Antofagasta con tres torneos comunales
- (Español) SQM forma parte de la Mesa Multiactor de la cuenca Salar de Atacama
- (Español) Lab4u y SQM avanzan en la implementación del programa NorTEduca para mejorar calidad educativa en escuelas y liceos del norte del país
- (Español) Más de 200 participantes en primera versión del seminario “Vamos por + Mujeres en Minería”
- SQM Launches Production Development Program for Entrepreneurs in Pisagua
- (Español) Presentan a la comunidad de Tocopilla primer camión 100% eléctrico que operará entre las faenas de SQM
- (Español) SQM y Uber anuncian alianza para impulsar la electromovilidad en Chile
- SQM Holds Dialogue Sessions with Communities about Sustainability Progress
- UCN and SQM Lead First Meeting to Create Lithium Research Hub
- SQM Moves Forward on Clean Production Agreement Commitment to Optimize Waste Management
- (Español) La “rojita” femenina Sub-17 y las pumas de Antofagasta protagonizan encuentro amistoso en María Elena
- (Español) SQM presentó su Reporte de Sostenibilidad en María Elena, Quillagua y Tocopilla
- School community at Liceo Likan Antai High School in San Pedro de Atacama participated in workshops on leadership and getting along with others
- Twenty tons of animal feed donated to ranchers in Pampa del Tamarugal
- Students from UNAP’s Environmental Engineering Program participated in practical course at experimental greenhouse in La Tirana
- (Español) Comunidad Indígena Atacameña de Camar inauguró su primera planta de agua potable
- Alto Jama Neighborhood Council celebrated new harvest by delivering produce to local neighbors
- Successful First Farming and Ranching Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference Attracted Over 300 People
- Successful First Farming and Ranching Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference Attracted Over 300 People
- (Español) EtMday 2022: SQM será parte del Primer Encuentro Regional de Emprendimiento e Innovación
- Farmers from the Pintados Farming Colony inaugurate a new photovoltaic system to optimize crops
- Boys, girls and teens from Toconao benefit from professional soccer academy
- (Español) SQM lanza llamado para startups tecnológicas con soluciones para recursos humanos, seguridad y sustentabilidad
- (Español) Niños y niñas de Tocopilla y María Elena se convierten en embajadores de la Seguridad Vial
- SQM Presents Sustainability Report in El Tamarugal Communities
- Women from Huara Revive Local Pampa Tradition of Making Wreaths from Tin Flowers
- (Español) Productores del Salar de Atacama participaron en conversatorios sobre Cooperativismo Rural como oportunidad de desarrollo
- (Español) SQM es la primera empresa minera en certificarse en la ISO39001 de “Seguridad Vial”
- Tamarugal Goat Farmers Develop Goat Milk Products
- (Español) Rescatan patrimonio oral de mujeres indígenas de la Región de Antofagasta
- (Español) Niños y niñas de la comuna de San Pedro de Atacama vivieron la experiencia de la electromovilidad junto al piloto nacional Eliseo Salazar
- (Español) SQM presentó sus acciones de desarrollo sostenible en Exponor 2022
- (Español) Más de 400 mujeres del Salar de Atacama participaron en operativo preventivo de cáncer mama
- (Español) Familias de la Colonia Agrícola de Pintados cuentan con rutas más seguras
- (Español) Fundación Miradas Compartidas junto a SQM inauguraron talleres para niños y jóvenes en Pozo Almonte, Alto Hospicio y Huara
- (Español) Agricultores de Bajo Soga se capacitan en sustratos y soluciones nutritivas para sus cultivos
- (Español) SQM anuncia contribución directa a Región de Antofagasta que triplica a la registrada al año anterior
- Fundación Miradas Compartidas and SQM kick off workshop series for disabled children and youth in Antofagasta, Tocopilla and María Elena
- Casa Telar: Salar de Atacama artisans certified in Andean textile techniques
- (Español) El Puerto Cowork realizó evento para emprendedores y emprendedoras de Tocopilla
- Expert panel addressed challenges of lithium in technological innovation and development
- SQM and UCN join forces to design, produce and recycle lithium batteries in Antofagasta
- SQM 2021 Sustainability Report: Promoting a sustainable industry
- Acción Empresas leads Clean Production Agreement aimed at accelerating circularity in companies
- SQM and LG Energy Solution sign an agreement to promote the added value and the technology of lithium
- SQM launches second “More Lithium, Less Footprint” Competition
- Road safety award given to SQM and Tocopilla Transport Drivers and Owners’ Association
- Salar de Atacama women leaders and representatives establish the Atacameña Women’s Alliance
- SQM and Corporación Clúster Minero sign framework collaboration agreement
- NorTeduca innovative educational program launched
- SQM and leading transportation companies launch the largest and most diverse electric fleet in Chile’s mining industry
- 100 Laguna Verde entrepreneurs receive implements for reopening their businesses
- Children in Bajo Soga receive new sports apparel
- Fundación Miradas Compartidas and SQM commemorate World Down Syndrome Day in Antofagasta
- Port of Tocopilla obtains major environmental certification
- Innovation and technology: SQM and its contribution to the development of electromobility and sustainable mining
- Alto Hospicio joins efforts to increase inclusion in partnership with SQM and the Miradas Compartidas Foundation
- Women and leadership: the nucleus of transformation for a sustainable future
- SQM and CDA sign collaboration agreement to strengthen the Las Pumas women’s soccer team
- Over 1,800 people enjoyed a cultural festival featuring premieres and never-before-seen material in Tocopilla Province
- Casa Telar: The legacy of Lickanantay textiles
- Contributing to sustainable development in Pozo Almonte in collaboration with local residents
- Women from Chanavayita honor local tradition of making tin flowers
- Fundación Sonrisas and SQM launch wide-reaching dental program in the Tarapacá Region
- SQM launches the eighth edition of the Apprentice Training Program
- SQM builds sustainable development in Salar de Atacama in partnership with the community
- Quillagua hosts “Safe Summer 2022” with a full line-up of activities
- Tocopilla students successfully complete supplementary training program
- Chilean startup and SQM launch first mining logistics virtual voice assistant
- SQM’s 18% female workforce exceeds the industry’s national average
- SQM Joins Race To Zero and Announces Start of Low Carbon Logistics Evaluation Project
- SQM is the first mining company to be awarded the Clean Activity Seal, which certifies its commitment to moving towards carbon neutrality
- San Pedro de Atacama residents complete elementary and secondary schooling
- Tamarugal ranchers install innovative technified irrigation system
- E-kart races rev engines in María Elena and Tocopilla
- New Center for Environmental Education opens in Salar de Llamara
- Female leaders in communities in northern Chile
- Responsible Care: Port of Tocopilla obtains international certification
- SQM Selected for Dow Jones Chile and MILA Indices, Reaffirming its Commitment to Sustainability
- Antü Energía Takes First Place in “More Lithium, Less Footprint” Innovation Competition
- Agriculture students from San Pedro de Atacama enrich their studies with a technology tour
- The first Responsible Care course at ESUCAR Antofagasta certified 70 non-commissioned police officers
- SQM’s Nueva Victoria site partners with local Tarapacá company to implement robust recycling plan
- SQM Joins Race To Zero and Announces Start of Low Carbon Logistics Evaluation Project
- Apprentice Program: Concrete actions to increase female participation in the mining industry
- SQM supports small-scale and artisanal miners in Tocopilla
- Family Gardens: More than 100 Salar de Atacama residents grow vegetables at home
- SQM calls for submissions to a lithium-ion battery innovation and entrepreneurship initiative aiming to reduce carbon footprints
- María Elena Fire Department Makes Progress Toward Construction of its First Fire Station
- Pampa del Tamarugal Ranchers Make Progress on Construction of Alfalfa Production Center
- (Español) Inauguran escuelas de fútbol y baile en Huara y Pozo Almonte orientadas a jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual
- Tocopilla: Together Toward a Sustainable Future!
- New Vertical Gardens for Tocopilla
- Students from Tocopilla to Access Professional Technical Specialization
- In line with its sustainability commitments: SQM Makes Strides Towards Carbon Neutrality for its Domestic Transport
- Sports as a Vehicle for Inclusiveness: The Benefits for People with Disabilities
- Quillagua Women Celebrate End of Weaving Workshop by Exhibiting their Creations
- Camar Atacameña Community Will Run on 100% Solar Power
- The Challenge of Contributing to Strategic Industries for Human Development
- Green Oasis in Carmen
- Mining Companies and Women’s Soccer Players Bet on Equity
- Pozo Almonte Neighbors Successfully Complete Pampa Cooking Workshop
- Reinforcing Our Commitment to Gender Equity
- Responsible Care: Port of Tocopilla Earns International Certification
- 2021 Lithium Forum: “We have to understand which path is advantageous for everyone”
- Moving Forward Down a Path of Sustainability and Excellence
- SQM Presented 2020 Sustainability Report at Community Dialog Event
- María Elena Debuts Space for Tourism Management
- The “Sustainability Challenges” program extends the application deadline
- María Elena Inaugurates Town’s First Bike Path
- Salar Builds the Sustainable Future Today
- Families from the Pintados Farming Colony Receive New Water Tanks to Support Agriculture
- “Sustainability Challenges” opens the application process for entrepreneurs and business owners from Antofagasta and Tarapacá
- Female Leaders in Mining Participate in Chile’s First Women Economic Forum
- SQM Donates Portable Sinks to María Elena School
- Pampa del Tamarugal Ranchers Celebrate Breaking Ground on the Alfalfa Production Center
- Regional Mining Industry Unveils First Electric Fleet Of Mobile Service Units
- SQM ratifies its commitment to sustainability in report on its 2020 performance
- Cultural Heritage Day spotlights ancestral heritage and the glory days of the nitrates industry
- Lickanantay weavers bring their ancestral art to the digital world
- UC Down Syndrome Center to Create Chile’s First Simulation House for People with Cognitive Disabilities
- Science Minister Highlights the Pozo Almonte Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Collaborative Efforts
- Argonne partners with Chilean company SQM to better understand lithium life cycle
- Lickanantay singer-songwriter celebrates her 50-year career with a new album
- Children in Toconao Study Kunza, their Ancestral Language
- SQM’s Local Greenhouses Donates 30,000 Vegetables to the Community
- Equitable Education in a Virtual Setting
- More than 50 Local Exhibitors Showcased their Ancestral Heritage at the first Cultural, Winemaking and Lickanantay Event
- SQM Sets Up a Mobile Dental Clinic to Provide Free Dental Care to Salar de Atacama Communities
- 82 San Pedro de Atacama Residents Continue Their Elementary and Secondary Schooling
- Women from Quillagua learn to produce natural wool, reviving their roots through textile art
- SQM Expects to Reach its 20% Female Workforce Target in 2021
- COVID-Safe Building
- At SQM, we strengthen our commitment to clean energy
- Toconao Winemakers mark the 2021 harvest with virtual activities
- SQM joins the IRMA initiative to deepen its sustainability commitments
- 105 Neighbors from San Pedro de Atacama to Complete Elementary and Secondary Schooling
- Rescuing Storm-Petrels
- SQM among Chile’s most sustainable companies as measured by ESG score
- Region’s First Smart Recycling Center Opens in Tocopilla
- Quillagua Reservoir will provide constant supply of water to the oasis
- Pozo Almonte Agricultural Research and Development Center Receives Responsible Care 2020 Award
- SQM Recognized by Antofagasta Industrial Association for Outstanding Sustainable Management
- SQM and LG Sign Alliance
- Fundación Equinoterapia Antofagasta apuesta por la telemedicina
- SQM Makes Progress on Certifying its Sustainability Commitments
- SQM contribuye al desarrollo de los ODS de Pacto Global de la ONU
- Students from Pintados Farming Colony Receive Tablets to Enhance their Learning Process
- Tocopilla Families Participate in Online Workshop on Effective Recycling
- SQM to Participate in Fidelmov Virtual 2020, the Premier Electromobility Event in Chile
- SQM to cut brine extraction from the Salar de Atacama by 50% and water consumption at all its operations by 40%
- SQM Joins Forces with María Elena Taxi Drivers to Combat the Spread of Covid-19
- Port of Tocopilla: From Nitrates to Industries That Are Strategic for Sustainability
- Bolstering Solar Salt Shipments from Tocopilla
- Port Prepares for DEWA Project in Dubai
- Salar de Atacama Winemakers: Producing Wine in Extreme Conditions for More Than 10 Years
- SQM: From Nitrates to Industries That Are Strategic for Sustainability
- More than 320 Families from Tocopilla, Quillagua and María Elena Set to Participate in Second “Home Gardening” Workshop
- Over 100 Million Chilean Pesos to be Allocated to Entrepreneurs and Business Owners in María Elena and Quillagua
- Community of Talabre Now Has Medical Team and Quarantine Residence
- Ranchers from Pampa del Tamarugal Receive Shredders and Veterinary Kits to Face Public Health Crisis
- Entities in Antofagasta Region Received National Environmental Award 2020
- Sustainability of Lithium production in Chile
- SQM Provides Online Data on Resource Extraction and Environmental Management in the Salar de Atacama
- New Equipment to be Used in Brine Recovery in Atacama
- Technology at the Service of Logistics
- Optimizing Hydric Resources in Nueva Victoria
- SQM duplicará producción de yodo con nuevo proyecto que operará con agua de mar en la Región de Tarapacá
- SQM Showcases its Performance in a New Edition of its Sustainability Report
- Neighbors from San Pedro de Atacama Create Community Bakery in Response to Pandemic
- Neighbors in Salar de Atacama Fight COVID-19 with Local Strategy
- SQM Workers to Support More than 13 Thousand People Through Soup Kitchen Fund
- SQM Continues to Support Quillagua and Tocopilla to Combat COVID-19
- SQM continúa apoyando a Quillagua y Tocopilla para combatir al Covid-19
- Ranchers from Pampa del Tamarugal and Quillagua Receive 46 Tons of Fodder to Face Public Health Crisis
- Familias del Salar de Atacama, Tocopilla, Quillagua y María Elena aprenden a cultivar hortalizas en sus hogares
- Students from Salar de Atacama, Quillagua, María Elena and Pintados Build Knowledge Through Crea Más Program
- SQM recorrió en vivo junto a la comunidad sitios patrimoniales de la época salitrera
- Alianza público-privada habilitó residencia sanitaria en Calama para comunidad elenina
- Educación ambiental en tiempos de pandemia
- ¡En terreno! Junto a las comunidades aledañas al Salar de Atacama
- SQM Joins United Nations Global Compact
- Familias de Quillagua y María Elena aprenden a cultivar hortalizas a través de taller virtual
- SQM and Municipality of María Elena Distribute Health Kits to Every Home
- SQM Supports Public Health Network Efforts to Combat COVID-19
- Distance Learning and Healthy Living During the Pandemic
- María Elena and Tocopilla Entrepreneurs Restart their Businesses
- SQM Prevents the Spread of COVID-19 among Older Adults
- We Can Beat COVID-19 Together!
- SQM Donates Two Mechanical Ventilators to the Antofagasta Region’s Public Healthcare Network
- SQM integra alianza que dará apoyo a la reactivación de emprendimientos de María Elena
- (Español) ¡La prevención es clave! Conoce las medidas para protegernos del COVID-19
- SQM Implements Robust Prevention Plan to Combat Covid-19
- More than One Hundred Business Owners in Tocopilla, María Elena and Quillagua Strengthen their Ventures with Revitalize Your Business Grants
- SQM Salar Sports Club to Sponsor CDA Women’s Soccer Teams
- Cerro Dominador and SQM Begin Salt Melting Process
- SQM Participated in International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage
- Farmers in Pintados Transform Desert into Garden
- SQM Donates Electric Bikes to Technical Training Center in Luz Divina
- Recycling Project in María Elena to Represent Chile at RedEAmérica International Forum
- Thirty Hectares of Alfalfa to be Planted for Livestock in Pampa del Tamarugal
- Farmers from Colonia Agrícola de Pintados Celebrate their First Harvest of Melons and Watermelons
- Tocopilla Residents Enjoy First Inclusive Beach
- SQM Joins World Economic Forum Initiative to Strengthen Sustainable Energies
- SQM Signs Public-Private Commitment to Promote Electromobility
- (Español) Emprendedores de Tocopilla y María Elena potenciarán sus negocios a través de un convenio de cooperación
- Senior Citizens from María Elena Learn to Grow Hydroponic Crops
- Salar Athletics Club Celebrates Successful 2019
- Young People from María Elena Have a New “Teen-Friendly Space”
- SQM’s Community Christmas Celebration
- SQM Recertified in Responsible Conduct in the Chemical Industry
- SQM’s Corporate Volunteer Program Lends a Hand to its Community
- Former Mining Camp to Become Hotel Managed by the Atacameña Community in Toconao
- Salar de Atacama Boasts First Self-Sustainable Maintenance Shop
- (Español) Niñas y niños de la población Pacífico Norte cuentan con renovado jardín infantil
- Theater for All
- From Valpo to Coya
- Volunteers in Action in María Elena
- IFA recognizes SQM’s sustainable work
- CORFO, SQM and Municipalities Sign Agreements to Complete First Delivery of Resources Agreed in Salar de Atacama Contract
- CONADI Values Hydroponic Greenhouse’s Contribution to Agricultural Development in Pozo Almonte
- Atacama Tierra Fértil Program Recognized at International Sustainability Competition
- SQM: A Global Company Seeking Opportunities for All
- Pampa Pilgrimages Revive Glory Days of Nitrates Industry
- SQM and Universidad Católica del Norte Sign Agreement to Study Microorganisms in Brine
- Three Hundred Students from Alto Hospicio Specialize in Mining Safety
- María Elena Hopes to Become the National Capital for Heritage Tourism
- Farmers from Pintados Agricultural Colony Strengthen Local Farming
- SQM Family Fun Run: Residents of Antofagasta Gather to Promote Sports and Healthy Living
- (Español) En Tarapacá rescatan tradición fúnebre pampina a través de taller de flores de papel
- Pozo Almonte Farmers and Ranchers Inaugurate Farming Research and Development Center
- SQM Participates in First International Electromobility Fair for Chile and Latin America
- South America’s first solar eco-charger for electric cars inaugurated in Antofagasta
- SQM Recognized for Its Technological Contribution to the Antofagasta Region
- First Art Room Inaugurated in San Pedro de Atacama
- Tenants and Entrepreneurs in María Elena Re-open Emblematic “Round Market”
- Assistant Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada’s Lands and Minerals Sector Visits Lithium Operations in Antofagasta
- SQM Leads Lithium Forum 2019
- (Español) Profesionales de la educación y salud de María Elena fortalecen sus conocimientos en Autismo
- María Elena Debuts Electric Motorcycle that Will Serve as a Recycling Center
- SQM Participated in the First Version of the Innovation Carnival: Going Green in Antofagasta
- SQM’s Commitment to the Sustainable Production of Lithium and Community Relations
- SQM Promotes Healthy Living Through 21 Athletic Initiatives
- Farmers in La Tirana Join the Community to Celebrate Their First Lettuce Harvest
- SQM Boosts Percentage of Female Staff to 16,1%
- SQM Participates in International Lithium Event
- SQM Uses Cutting-Edge Technology for Quality Assurance
- Lithium-ion Technology in Forklifts
- SQM participates in Exponor 2019
- Ministry of Mining recognizes SQM’s efforts during weather emergency
- Peruvian company visits Coya Sur to learn Lean best practices
- Encouraging Clean Energy at the Former Victoria Nitrates Office
- German Students Visit Chile to Learn About Lithium
- SQM and Chilean Safety Association sign agreement
- Proyecto Tente en el Aire de SQM operará con agua de mar
- SQM Launches New Code of Ethics
- Ayllu Dazzles with Seven New Varietals at the VII Toconao Harvest Festival
- Ecosistema de Salar será estudiado por los mejores
- Programa Atacama Tierra Fértil de SQM potencia agricultura de Río Grande
- Software permitirá desarrollar productos agrícolas de primer nivel en el Tamarugal
- En terreno apoyando a las comunidades afectadas por las lluvias altiplánicas
- Récord en seguridad
- SQM recibe medalla de oro SHE Excellence
- En Antofagasta se lanzó el libro “La reinvención de la industria del salitre”
- SQM updates its corporate image
- La ruta de la energía
- A la velocidad del sol
- [VIDEO] Así avanza el voluntariado de SQM
- Investigadores nacionales e internacionales visitan Salar de Atacama
- Puerto de Tocopilla abre sus puertas a la comunidad escolar
- Programa de becas SQM benefició a 96 estudiantes
- SQM celebró 25 años en la Bolsa de Nueva York
- Equipo de Investor Relations es reconocido en ranking internacional
- SQM presente en la primera planta termosolar de América Latina
- SQM marcó presencia en Foro del Litio 2018
- SQM presentó su Reporte de Sustentabilidad en Tarapacá y Antofagasta
- Universidades visitan nuestras faenas
- Tradición japonesa
- Un buen lugar para comenzar
- Científico de renombre visita SQM
- Corporación Museo del Salitre destacó a SQM por su aporte permanente
- SQM entre las 100 mejores compañías multilatinas
- “El programa de becas de SQM siempre me ayudó”
- 10 mil personas disfrutaron la VI Fiesta de la Vendimia Toconao 2018
- SQM y Fundación Ganamos Todos pegan un home run en Tocopilla
- Fundación Bolivia 2022 campeón Copa Pampa Salitrera 2018
- National Geographic retrató la cuna del litio
- Coya Sur cierra un exitoso 2017 con cuatro récords de producción históricos
- Deportivo SQM Salar inaugura nueva cancha y se viste de pequeñas sonrisas
- Compañía líder en implementación Lean destaca caso de éxito de Coya Sur
- Nuevos operadores planta para María Elena
- SQM y CORFO sellan acuerdo
- Al reencuentro con la tradición y la memoria Lickanantay
- Reconocidos por la internacionalización
- SQM ́s Role in Sustainable Global Lithium Supply
- SQM es protagonista en la principal conferencia internacional sobre agricultura de alta tecnología
- La ruta comercial
- Destacado científico nos visitó en Bélgica
- SQM cruza la cordillera
- SQM recibe premio mayor creación de valor 2015
- SQM inauguró moderno recinto deportivo en Tocopilla
- SQM explora nuevas alianzas en Toronto
- El legado de Stanley Freed
- SQM visita a clientes en Asia
- Fertilizantes SQM: Presente en los cítricos del primer mundo
- Ayllu, el sabor del desierto
- Papas Fritas con sabor a Chile
- SQM desembarca en Holanda
- La voz de SQM en el desarrollo de energías limpias
- SQM recibe certificación Protect & Sustain de la IFA
- 50 years growing together
- Those who arrive first
- To María Elena with love
- From Tocopilla to the world
- The Foreign Legion
- The Leading Ladies at Old South
- Life in the desert
- La nueva manera de liderar en Soqui
- To reach 20% female staff
- reduction in waste by 2025
- Carbon neutral in all products by
- Carbon neutral in lithium, potassium chloride and iodine by
- reduction in brine extraction by 2028
- reduction in continental water by 2040
- reduction in continental water by 2030
- contributions per Corfo contract in 2021
- direct social investment in 2021
- institutions, foundations and associations that we work with
- average annual number of contractors
- of women at our company are in STEM positions
- of our workforce is female
- waste water treated
- in environmental investments and expenses
- of the energy we use is renewable
- Historia de la Industria de Tarapacá
- Faenas Mineras
- Holy Water 1896
- María Elena and Pedro de Valdivia Offices
- Salitreta Santiago Humberstone Office
- Maria Elena, the magic of the nitrate town
- Quillagua, Moon that Astonishes
- The reinvention of the saltpeter industry
- Countries
- Energía Solar
- Becas
- employees in Chile and around the world
- (Español) Semana del Salitre
- (Español) Jardín infantil La Chinita visita el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Pozo Almonte
- (Español) Lanzamiento 3er Festival Fútbol Cine Tocopilla
- (Español) Lanzamiento programa de Apoyo para personas cuidadoras en Pozo Almonte
- (Español) Lanzamiento libro sobre Edgar Stanley Freed en Antofagasta
- (Español) 35 dirigentes sociales formarán parte del Programa Universidad Social 2024
- (Español) SQM – EcoChallenge
- (Español) SQM Programa Aprendices – Exponor 2024
- (Español) Programa SQMentors
- (Español) SQM Nuestros Monitores en Exponor 2024
- (Español) SQM Día de los patrimonios – Chacabuco y Pedro de Valdivia
- (Español) ¡Realizamos 1° Feria de Seguridad Vial en María Elena!
- (Español) Operativo de limpieza de playa junto a Fundación Protección Oceánica y SQM
- (Español) Lideresas del Desierto 2024 (Ceremonia Antofagasta)
- (Español) ¡Revive la inauguración de la primera Plaza de Reciclaje en Tocopilla!
- (Español) Operativo mamografías en localidades de Tarapacá
- (Español) Lideresas del Desierto 2024 (Ceremonia Tarapacá)
- (Español) 2do Encuentro de Innovación y Emprendimiento Agropecuario en La Tirana
- (Español) Conoce los detalles de la jornada con docentes AntofaEduca
- (Español) Seminario AntofaEduca: expertos analizaron los desafíos en la educación del futuro
- (Español) Niños de La Tirana reciben atención dental gratuita
- (Español) Dragonas Celestes cuentan con nuevo gimnasio
- (Español) Academia Mujeres con Sentido Inclusivo en Tarapacá
- (Español) Inicios de obra Hotel Comunitario Tockolen de Toconao
- (Español) Mesa de Trabajo SQM – Bajo Soga: Creando valor social compartido
- (Español) Firma de convenio Agricultores y Regantes de Toconao
- (Español) ¡Juntos por una fiesta de La Tirana más segura!
- (Español) Copa SQM: Juntos por el desarrollo del Fútbol femenino
- (Español) Forrajeria verde hidropónica: Una alternativa sostenible para la alimentación ganadera.
- (Español) ¡Potenciando la ciencia en estudiantes de Tocopilla!
- (Español) ¡Vida más sana!
- (Español) ¡Nuevo apoyo económico para la mujer atacameña!
- (Español) ¡Talleres de bordado y reciclaje en el Salar de Atacama!
- (Español) ¡Vida en los nuevos invernaderos escolares!
- (Español) ¡Comenzó el Festival Fútbol Cine de Tocopilla!
- (Español) ¡Mujeres certificadas para la industria!
- (Español) Más deporte para Toconao
- (Español) ¡Fortaleciendo el deporte regional!
- (Español) ¡Remodelada Capilla del Niño Jesús!
- (Español) ¡Seguimos avanzando en innovación y electromovilidad!
- (Español) ¡Pedaleando por un festival sostenible!
- (Español) ¡Litio en la Educación Superior!
- (Español) ¡Excelencia en seguridad vial!
- (Español) ¡Innovación y sostenibilidad agrícola!
- (Español) ¡Legado histórico y patrimonial!
- (Español) ¡Revitalizando una lengua ancestral!
- (Español) ¡Cultura y tradición Ckunza!
- (Español) Women Economic Forum 2023
- (Español) ¡Desafíos de Sostenibilidad Antofagasta!
- (Español) ¡Mujeres en minería!
- (Español) ¡Revitalizando la agricultura campesina!
- (Español) ¡Integración e inclusión!
- (Español) Desafíos de Sostenibilidad Tarapacá
- (Español) Conmemoración Mes de la Mujer en Tocopilla
- (Español) 8M en comunidad
- (Español) ¡Más mujeres en ciencia e innovación!
- (Español) ¡Así se vivió la tradicional Feria de la Provincia del Loa!
- (Español) Final del Mini Mundial de Tocopilla 2023
- (Español) Mujeres de Tarapacá participan en seminario de innovación regional
- (Español) Camar celebró la “Fiesta Costumbrista del Tomate”
- (Español) Farmacia virtual de Quillagua
- (Español) ¡Continúa la tradicional Feria de la Provincia del Loa, Feploa 2023!
- (Español) Seminario 8M: Mujeres en STEM
- (Español) ¡Culmina el Verano Entretenido en Quillagua!
- (Español) Agricultura Sostenible en el Salar de Atacama
- (Español) ¡Promoviendo nuevas disciplinas deportivas!
- (Español) ¡Deporte al aire libre!
- (Español) ¡Títeres con material reutilizado!
- (Español) Innovación tecnológica para la agricultura
- (Español) Verano Entretenido Quillagua: Heredando recetas ancestrales
- (Español) Historia y cosmovisión: Nuevo mural “Nuestra Madre Tierra”
- (Español) Mejoramiento del Estadio Municipal de Huara
- (Español) ¡Identidad y recreación veraniega en Quillagua!
- (Español) ¡Compartiendo con las nuevas generaciones y futuros líderes!
- (Español) ¡Fomentando la agricultura local!
- (Español) ¡Comenzó el Mini Mundial de Tocopilla 2023!
- (Español) ¡Estudiantes perfeccionan sus conocimientos agrícolas!
- (Español) ¡Fomentando la prevención del cáncer de mamas!
- (Español) Ideas de negocio con impacto local
- (Español) Congreso Futuro Región de Antofagasta: Sin límite de lo real
- (Español) Hernán Rivera Letelier en Filzic San Pedro de Atacama
- (Español) Mujeres en minería: nuevas aprendices para la industria
- (Español) ¡50 estudiantes de Antofagasta participaron en campamento de Ciencias!
- (Español) ¡Exitoso cierre de Filzic San Pedro de Atacama!
- (Español) ¡Seguimos en Filzic San Pedro de Atacama 2023!
- (Español) ¡Formación digital para el mundo laboral!
- (Español) ¡Comenzó Filzic San Pedro de Atacama 2023!
- (Español) ¡Técnicas de repostería y nuevos negocios para mujeres de Huara!
- (Español) ¡Vamos por un futuro sostenible!
- (Español) Creación artística y culinaria en San Pedro de Atacama
- (Español) Protegiendo la biodiversidad de las aves marinas en Tarapacá
- (Español) ¡Nuevo invernadero terapéutico en María Elena!
- (Español) ¡Más prestaciones médicas para San Pedro de Atacama!
- (Español) Oportunidades de acceso a la Educación Superior
- (Español) Potenciando el desarrollo agrícola de las comunidades
- (Español) Abriendo espacios internacionales para emprendedores del norte
- (Español) Exitoso cierre del diplomado de Aprendizaje al Aire Libre
- (Español) Artesanas celebraron el 4to aniversario de Casa Telar
- (Español) Seminario Internacional ViLTI SeMANN UCN en Tarapacá
- (Español) ¡Proyectando la participación femenina en minería!
- (Español) Programa de Aprendices
- (Español) Nueva planta fotovoltaica para Camar
- (Español) Con el apoyo de SQM, las niñas de María Ayuda de Iquique cuentan con nuevas instalaciones
- (Español) Reporte de Sostenibilidad SQM – 2020
- (Español) Economía Circular y reciclaje
- (Español) Desarrollando la Vida Sana, rescate patrimonial y Educación junto a nuestros vecinos
- (Español) Contribuyendo al desarrollo de las localidades aledañas a nuestras operaciones
- (Español) Conoce nuestro trabajo comunitario
- Gastronomía Aymara: Sabores y Sabores de Nuestra Tierra
- María Elena: Protagonista del apogeo y la reinvención de la industria del salitre
- Recorrido virtual por la oficina salitrera Santa Laura
- Desarrollo social y productivo y Vida Sana en el Salar de Atacama
- Rescate patrimonial y educación en el Salar de Atacama
- Conoce nuestro trabajo comunitario en el Salar de Atacama
- Rescatando la cultura Aymara a través de telares
- Webinar: Oportunidades y Desafíos de la Educación On-line
- Vendimia 2021 vino de altura Ayllu
- (Español) En Faena: Héctor Álvarez
- (Español) En Faena: Nelson Varas
- Iodine production process
- Lithium production process
- Nitrates
- Vecinos de Peine muestran sus Huertos Domésticos
- (Español) Feria Virtual Inclusiva
- Trabajadores de SQM apoyan a Comedores Solidarios de Calama
- En Faena SQM: Carolina Tabilo
- En faena SQM: Solange Arroyo
- En Faena: Gilbert Maldonado
- En Faena: Raquel Ahumada
- Apoyo Médico a Toconao en tiempos de pandemia
- Huertos Domésticos en Salar de Atacama
- Apoyo a cuerpo de Bomberos de Toconao
- Vino Ayllu: una tradición familiar en el Salar de Atacama
- Conoces los avances de los Huertos Domésticos del Salar de Atacama
- SQM entrega insumos a ganaderos de Pozo Almonte
- Apoyo a Comedores Sociales de Alto Hospicio
- Panadería solidaria de San Pedro de Atacama
- Vino Ayllu, el sabor del desierto de Atacama
- (Español) Apoyo a nuestras comunidades en tiempos de Pandemia
- 2019 Sustainbility Report
- ¡Un Huerto en Mi Casa!
- Unidos a la ciudad puerto
- ¡Sandías y melones del desierto!
- ¡Nuevas hectáreas de alfafa para Pozo Almonte!
- SQM entrega bicicletas eléctricas a estudiantes de Campamento antofagastino
- Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agropecuario
- ¡Toconao, el epicentro del running en altura!
- (Español) SQM Global: Giuseppe Casubolo
- (Español) Voluntariado corporativo en acción
- !Limpieza de playas en Tocopilla!
- (Español) Colo Colo femenino entrena en Toconao
- (Español) Potencian ganadería de Pozo Almonte
- (Español) Bailes pampinos participan en La Tirana
- Agricultores de Pozo Almonte celebran primera cosecha de lechugas
- Nuestra Gente: Andrea Vallejos, jefa de Planta
- II Encuentro de Lackitas, Toconao 2019
- SQM en Exponor 2019
- (Español) SQM potencia agricultura de comunidad indígena
- Programa Aprendices Comunidades
- En Soqui Celebramos el Día del Practicante
- Así avanza el voluntariado de SQM
- Químicos Industriales
- Potasio
- Nutrición Vegetal de Especialidad
- CreditCorp Capital “XVI Capital market event”, Lima, Peru
- (Español) Publicación Resultados 2T18
- (Español) BTG Pactual Non-Deal Roadshow en Reino Unido, Londres, Edimburgo
- (Español) Bank of America Merrill Lynch Emerging Markets Corporate Credit Conference, Miami
- (Español) Conferencia Telefónica de los Resultados Primero trimestre 2018
- (Español) Publicación Resultados 1T18 (después del cierre de los mercados)
Noticias Inversionistas
- SQM Explains its Opposition to the FNE/Tianqi Agreement
- Communication
- SQM presents at Investor Day
- Reminder: SQM Investor Day at New York Stock Exchange on September, 5 2018
- SQM Second Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Second Quarter of 2018
- SQM approves payment of interim dividend
- Additional information on Minera Exar sale
- SQM sells its participation in Minera Exar
- SQM presents at Lithium Forum 2018 in Santiago, Chile
- SQM investor day to be held on September 5, 2018 at the New York Stock Exchange
- SQM Board informs the resignation of the CEO and nomination of his replacement
- SAVE THE DATE: SQM will hold its 2018 Investor Day at New York Stock Exchange on September 5, 2018
- Chairman´s communication
- SQM clarifies information related to CORFO Agreement
- End of Corporate Governance Agreement
- SQM First Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the First Quarter of 2018
- SQM approves payment of interim dividend
- SQM informs lower potassium production
- Nutrien Informs sale of Series A Shares
- SQM S.A. 2018 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions
- End of Controller Group Agreement
- SQM S.A. 2018 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions
- SQM informs about market maker
- SQM presents a free translation of the documents related to the CMF´s Official Letter 10078
- SQM presents a free translation of the documents related to the CMF´s Official Letter 9911
- SQM Files its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the Year 2017
- Independent Board Directors Nomination
- SQM announces bond issue
- SQM announces Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- SQM proposes payment of dividends
- SQM Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM reports Earnings for the Fourth Quarter of 2017
- SQM replies to Santiago Stock Exchange´s letters
- SQM announces Board Member nomination
- SQM informs about deferred prosecution agreement
- SQM announces Board Members resignation
- SQM informs about Agreement with COFRO
- SQM Finalizes Purchase of Mount Holland Lithium Project
- SQM initiates conciliation process with CORFO
- Publication of Essential Facts by Pampa Calichera and Potasios de Chile
- Essential Fact: SQM conciliation process with Corfo
- SQM informs about decision of the Environmental Court of Antofagasta
- SQM Third Quarter 2017 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2017
- SQM approves payment of interim dividend
- PotashCorp announced merger approval conditioned to divesting SQM´s shares
- Concilation stage ends in arbitration between SQM and Corfo
- SQM and Kidman finalize documentation for lithium joint venture Mt. Holland in Australia
- SQM management presents at Investor Day in New York City
- SQM Second Quarter 2017 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Second Quarter of 2017
- SQM approves payment of interim dividend
- SQM presented at Lithium Forum 2017 in Santiago, Chile
- SQM provides updates on the development of the lithium project Cauchari, Jujui Argentina (Exar)
- SQM’s CEO reaffirms the company’s strategy in the lithium business
- SQM and Kidman execute agreement to jointly develop the Mt. Holland lithium project in Australia
- SQM will hold its 2017 Investor Day on September 7, 2017 in New York
- SQM first quarter 2017 earnings conference call
- SQM approves payment of interim dividend
- SQM Reports Earnings for the First Quarter of 2017
- SQM S.A. 2017 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions
- SQM Files its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the Year 2016
- Independent Board Directors Nomination
- Corporate Governance Agreement
- SQM proposes payment of final dividend
- SQM reaches agreement on Labor Suit
- SQM Announces its Odinary Shareholders´ Meeting Date
- SQM announces Board Member Resignation
- SQM Fourth Quarter 2016 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Fourth Quarter of 2016
- Essential Fact: January 13, 2017
- SQM NDR in London
- SQM Third Quarter 2016 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM approves payment of provisional dividend
- SQM Board approved Policy on customary transactions with related parties
- SQM To Present at Conference in New York
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2016
- SQM to increase lithium hydroxide capacity
- SQM clarifies information regarding CCHEN
- SQM Management Presents at Investor Day
- SQM announces investment in Elemental Minerals
- SQM presents at Investor Day (Update)
- SQM Second Quarter 2016 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Second Quarter of 2016
- Sustainability of the Salar de Atacama will be safeguard by a joint effort between SQM and Rockwood Lithium
- SQM informs about arbitration with CORFO
- SQM To Present at Non-deal Roadshow and Conference in Toronto and New York
- SQM To Present at Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2016 CalGEMS Conference
- SQM informs about investigaction with the environmental authority
- SQM Announces Increase in Potassium Nitrate Production Capacity
- SQM To Present at Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2016 Emerging Markets Corporate Conference
- Arbitration Proceeding with CORFO
- SQM First Quarter 2016 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Informs Board Resolutions
- SQM Reports Earnings for the First Quarter of 2016
- SQM Announces Changes in Organizational Structure
- SQM Provides Further Information About Minera Exar Joint Venture
- SQM S.A. 2016 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions
- SQM responds to request by SVS
- SQM Files its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the Year 2015
- SQM and Lithium Americas Announce Joint Venture
- SQM Board Proposes Payment of Special and Final Dividends
- SQM announces Board Member Resignations
- SQM Clarifies Information About Lithium Exports
- SQM Clarifies Information About the Chilean Royalty Tax
- SQM To Present at Conference and Non-deal Roadshow Europe and the United States
- SQM fourth quarter 2015 earnings conference call
- SQM reports earnings for the fourth quarter of 2015
- 2016 Market Update
- SQM Responds to Letter from the Santiago Stock Exchange
- SQM Informs Results of Shearman & Sterling Report
- SQM To Present at Non-deal Roadshow in Asia
- SQM Provides Additional Information on Railway Line Between Coya Sur and Tocopilla
- SQM To Present at Non-Deal Roadshow in Boston and Citi Basic Materials Conference in New York
- SQM Responds to Claims Regarding Lithium Exports
- SQM To Present at Itau BBA Latam Conference in London and Non-deal Roadshow in Paris
- SQM Third Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM reports earnings for the third quarter of 2015
- SQM Announces Provisional Dividend Payment
- Chilean Regulator Fines Former and Current Board Members
- SQM Is Notified of Lawsuit
- SQM Cancels Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- SQM Informs Production Facility Restructuring
- SQM Reports Status of Operations After Earthquake in Chile
- SQM Announces Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- SQM Second Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM S.A. To Publish Earnings for First Half of 2015 Today
- SQM Reports Earnings for the First Half of 2015
- SQM files its Sustainability Report for 2014
- SQM provides information to Chilean IRS to file tax amendments
- SQM Informs Status of Coya Sur – Tocopilla Railway Line
- SQM Informs Status of its Operations in the North of Chile, Following Adverse Weather Conditions
- SQM Clarifies Information Relating to Arbitration Proceeding with CORFO
- SQM Informs Status of Arbitration Proceeding With CORFO
- SQM Publishes Statement Regarding Lease Agreement In Force In Salar de Atacama
- SQM Publishes Main Points of Arbitration Proceeding with CORFO
- SQM Responds to Letter from the Santiago Stock Exchange
- SQM Responds to Letter from the SVS
- SQM Informs Payment of Taxes by its Subsidiary SQM Salar S.A.
- SQM First Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the First Quarter 2015
- SQM Files its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the Year 2014
- SQM Files Form 6-K Containing Certain Operating and Business Information
- SQM Files Form 12b-5 Extension Notice with the SEC
- Form 12b-25 Filed with SEC
- Board Member Positions In SQM
- 2009-2014 Tax Review Completed From SQM S.A. Affiliates
- SQM S.A. 2015 Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions
- SQM Informs Board Resolutions
- SQM reponds to letter from Santiago Stock Exchange
- Pampa Calichera, PotashCorp and significant minority shareholders nominated candidates as Directors of SQM
- Independent Series B Board Member Nominated – Edward Waitzer
- Independent Board Member Nominated – Hans Dieter Linneberg Arancabia
- SVS Files Charges Against Directors of SQM
- SQM Files Response to Request From SVS
- Conditions in the North of Chile
- Message from the CEO
- SQM Files Response to Request From SVS
- SQM Board Recommends Payment of Definitive Dividend
- CEO Introduction and Company Update
- SQM Files Response to Request From SVS
- SQM Informs Resignation of Three Board Members
- SQM Issues Statement Regarding Recent Events
- SQM Provides Information To The Chilean Internal Revenue Service
- SQM informs change of Chief Executive Officer
- SQM Informs Resolutions of Extraordinary Session of Board of Directors
- SQM Press Release
- SQM Fourth Quarter 2014 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Fourth Quarter 2014
- SQM Board of Directors establishes Special Committee
- SQM Third Quarter 2014 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Announces Provisional Dividend Payment
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2014
- SQM Filed its 2013 Annual Report on Form 20-F on April 29, 2014
- SQM announces pricing of Notes due 2025
- SQM Announces Estimated Effect of Tax Reform Under New Accounting Requirements
- SQM responds to information reported in the press
- Chilean Income Tax Law Impact
- SQM Presents at BTG Pactual V Latin American CEO Conference in NY and Non-deal Roadshow in Boston
- Non-deal roadshow en Paris, London and Edinburgh
- SQM Second Quarter 2014 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2014
- Entrevista sobre exploración en minería metálica
- SQM Dividend Payment Announcement
- SQM Announces Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting
- SQM Publishes First Quarter 2014 Results
- SQM held is General Ordinary Shareholder Meeting on April 25
- SQM Presents at Morgan Stanley Agribusiness & Food Conference in Sao Paulo
- Presentaion for the 2014 International Cesco Exploration Forum
- SQM reports preliminary effects of earthquake in northern Chile on its productive facilities
- ON March 13-14, Gerardo Illanes and Kelly O’Brien presented the following presentation at the Citibank Latam Conference in New York
- SQM Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings for 2013
- SQM Board recommends payment of Definitive Dividend
- Non-Deal Roadshow en Sidney, Singapur y Tokio
- Oficio Respuesta SVS
- SQM Enters into Market Maker Agreement with IM Trust
- SQM Third Quarter 2013 Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Principal Markets Update
- SQM Reports Earnings For the First Nine Months of 2013
- Letter to SVS, October 2013
- SQM Essential Fact
- Press Release Royalty Antucoya
- SQM Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings For The First Half Of 2013
- SQM announces that it has entered into a 7.5 year Option Agreement with Capstone Mining Corp.
- Press Release: August 07, 2013
- Letter to the SVS
- Letter to Mercurio, August 03, 2013
- SQM First Quarter Earnings Conference Call
- SQM Reports Earnings For The First Quarter 2013
- SQM coloca bono en Estados Unidos
- SQM Essential Fact
- SQM Reports Earnings for 2012
- Binding Option Estrella
- SQM Reports Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2012
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2012
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2012
- SQM reports earnings for the year of 2011
- SQM publica Hecho Esencial
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2011
- SQM reports earnings for the second quarter of 2011
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2011
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2010
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2010
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2010
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2010
- SQM announces 144A bond issuance
- SQM announces pricing of Notes due 2020
- SQM Announces Date of 2010 Annual Shareholders Meeting and Dividend Proposal
- SQM reports changes to its Director’s Committee
- SQM reports no damage to its facilities
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2009
- SQM announces changes to El Toco and Pampa Blanca operations
- NEW Joint Venture boosts SQM’s position as worldwide market leader
- Material Event – general transitory policy for frequent-ordinary operations of SQM S.A.
- SQM firma acuerdo de Joint Venture con QINGDAO STAR
- SQM to distribute interim dividend
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2009
- SQM announces new lithium prices
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2009
- SQM files its 2008 form 20-F
- SQM signs Joint Venture with coromandel
- SQM announces supply contract with PCS
- SQM shareholders approve dividend payment
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2009
- SQM announces date of 2009 annual shareholders meeting and dividend proposal
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2008
- SQM inititates bond registration process
- SQM to distribute interim dividend
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2008
- SQM announces price increase in iodine
- SQM reaffirms market outlook
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2008
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2008
- Response to letter N°19.749
- SQM announces the details of capex plan for 2008 – 2010
- SQM files its 2007 form 20-F
- SQM signs Joint Venture agreement with MIGAO CORPORATION
- SQM participates in automotive battery conference
- SQM to search for metallic mining resources
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2008
- SQM ADR begins trading under new ratio
- SQM announces date of 2008 annual shareholders meeting and dividend proposal
- SQM announces ratio change for series B ADRS and delisting of series A ADRS
- SQM announces earnings for the year 2007
- SQM reports preliminary effects earthquake in northern chile on its productive facilities
- SQM filed its 2006 annual report on form 20-F with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2007
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2007
- SQM reports earnings for first quarter 2007
- Essential Issue – March 21, 2007
- SQM reports earnings for the Year 2006
- Limited review filing – February 14, 2007
- Essential Issue – November 28, 2006
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2006
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2006
- Essential Issue – September 15, 2006
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2006
- SQM reports earnings for first quarter 2006
- Press Release – April 5, 2006
- Essential Issue – March 29, 2006
- Comunicado de Prensa – 29 de marzo de 2006
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2005
- SQM informs currency hedge for corporate bond
- SQM informs bond issuance
- SQM informs the acquisition of the iodine business of DSM Company
- SQM’s December 2005 Press Release
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2005
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2005
- Press Release – July 27, 2005
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2005
- SQM and Akzo Nobel enter global marketing agreement
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2004
- SQM’s January 2005 Press Release
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2004
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2004
- SQM announces new investments in projects oriented to increase specialty fertilizers and…
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2004
- SQM reports earnings for the year 2003
- SQM signs Promise Purchase PCS Yumbes
- SQM announces lithium products price increase
- SQM reports earnings for the first nine months of 2003
- SQM authorized to subscribe an option agreement to purchase PCS Yumbes
- SQM authorized to subscribe an option agreement to purchase PCS Yumbes
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2003
- SQM to raise to 100% its stake in subsidiary Mineag SQM Africa (PTY) Ltd.
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2003
- Chairman and Vicechairman nominations
- 2003 annual shareholders meeting
- SOQUIMICH COMERCIAL S.A. approves the acquisition of NORSK HYDRO CHILE S.A.
- SQM entered liquid fertilizer Joint Venture in egypt
- SQM renewed part of a syndicated loan
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2002
- SQM reports earnings for the first half of 2002
- Press Release – June 13, 2002
- Election of president and vice president
- Annual General Shareholders Meeting
- (Español) Press Release – March 20, 2002
- SQM reports earnings for the first quarter of 2002
- (Español) Boletín N32
- Bulletin N31
- Bulletin N30
- Bulletin N29
- Bulletin N28
- (Español) Boletín N27
- (Español) Boletín N25
- (Español) Boletín N24
- (Español) Boletín N19
- (Español) Boletín N18
- (Español) Boletín N15
- (Español) Boletín N14
- (Español) Boletín N13
- (Español) Boletín N12
- (Español) Boletín N11
- (Español) Boletín N10
- (Español) Boletín N9
- (Español) Boletín N8
- (Español) Boletín N7
- (Español) Boletín N6
- (Español) Boletín N5
- (Español) Boletín N4
- (Español) Boletín N3
- Boletín N1
- (Español) Boletín N1
- ISO 9001: 2015
- (Español) ISO 50001: 2018
- (Español) ISO 45001
- ISO 27001 certification
- Giro Limpio
- Race to zero
- International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA)
- Acción Empresas
- United Nations Global Compact
- Global Battery Alliance
- Huella Chile
- CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project
- Dow Jones Sustainability Index
- NCh 3262, Gender Equality
- ISO 14001
- EcoVadis
- Responsible Care
- The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance