SQM present in the communities

The programs promoted by the company under the four axes of action of our community work: Education and Culture, Social and Productive Development, Historical Heritage, and Healthier Life, those executed jointly with our neighbors, with whom we maintain a direct relationship based on trust.

We invite you to learn the projects distributed by locality.


In 2019, SQM continued its work with the Pintado Farming Colony through the Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association and the Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association, while also providing specific support to local farmers. The work has focused on fostering good agriculture practices through guidance from SQM professionals in enhancing soil structures with sand and washing to recover new arable soil; assisting with the implementation of irrigation systems designed to save water; providing agricultural equipment for soil preparation, seeds and plants, all of which is supplemented with a plant nutrition program. Other initiatives have also been carried out such as growing melons and watermelons, planting grape vines and experimenting with coconut fibers as a means to introduce new techniques as alternatives to farmland substitution. Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association: the association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for enhancing soil structure and texture and purchasing agricultural machinery. Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association: The association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for soil enhancement, irrigation and fertilization techniques, and purchasing agricultural materials, equipment and seeds.


Twenty members of the Pampa del Tamarugal Rural Aymara Association received feed for 4,000 heads of goats and sheep in an effort to boost small stock farming in Pozo Almonte. This is the first step taken by a working group made up of representatives from SQM and the local association. The agreement entails providing supplementary forage and feed for the goat and sheep herds along with specialized veterinary care to enhance herd management and animal production and reproduction techniques. The forty-ton supplementary feed delivery consisted of: 30 tons of alfalfa in blocks and 10 tons of concentrated feed for a total of 4,000 head of goat and sheep owned by the association’s 20 members. This is a one-time, year-long project. In late 2019, we joined efforts with CONAF and the Pampa del Tamarugal Rural Aymara Indigenous Association to begin a three-year project starting in 2020 aimed at building a 30-hectare alfalfa production unit in the Pampa del Tamarugal National Reserve in the district of Pozo Almonte. SQM committed to designing and building the alfalfa production unit as well as financing equipment, supplies and materials. This unit is expected to serve as a source of forage and feed for small stock owned by participating association members.


As part of our commitment of using our expertise as a specialty fertilizer producer to foster agricultural production, we opened the Pozo Almonte Agriculture Research and Development Center in 2019. The initiative is outlined in the agreement signed by the Municipality of Pozo Almonte and SQM. The only one of its kind in the Tarapacá Region, the center’s objective is to develop hydroponic crops and produce cheese for sale on the local market. It will train anyone wishing to grow their own hydroponic crops, providing guidance as a pilot program to identify the best business processes and production techniques. Moreover, a cooperative staffed initially by six members has been set up to manage the goat cheese production facilities. Owned by the Pozo Almonte Municipality and located at the “Los Pinos” campground, the research center spans more than 1,150m2 divided among two buildings: one is used to grow hydroponic crops and the other one houses the cheese factory (duly certified by health authorities) along with a refrigerated delivery truck to ensure the cold chain remains intact. In addition to the infrastructure, SQM provides technical assistance and supplies.


In 2019, SQM continued its work with the Pintado Farming Colony through the Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association and the Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association, while also providing specific support to local farmers. The work has focused on fostering good agriculture practices through guidance from SQM professionals in enhancing soil structures with sand and washing to recover new arable soil; assisting with the implementation of irrigation systems designed to save water; providing agricultural equipment for soil preparation, seeds and plants, all of which is supplemented with a plant nutrition program. Other initiatives have also been carried out such as growing melons and watermelons, planting grape vines and experimenting with coconut fibers as a means to introduce new techniques as alternatives to farmland substitution. Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association: the association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for enhancing soil structure and texture and purchasing agricultural machinery. Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association: The association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for soil enhancement, irrigation and fertilization techniques, and purchasing agricultural materials, equipment and seeds.


For the seventh year in a row, the collaborative effort between SQM and the Crea+ Foundation continues to bear fruit both qualitatively and quantitatively. This well-rooted program still pulls in good results and is valued by both teachers and administrators at participating establishments. During 2019, the program had a direct impact on 1,620 students and 49 teachers at the following participating schools: Arturo Pérez Canto, Ignacio Carrera Pinto, Oasis del Desierto, Camar, San Bartolomé, Solor, San Pedro de Atacama, San Roque, Toconao Educational Complex and Talabre. This is our third year supporting an internship overseas in finland by awarding grants to the following three professionals who stand out for their performance and commitment to their students: Sandra Chávez, head of the San Roque de Peine school; Carla Michea, teacher at the Arturo Pérez Canto school in María Elena; and Denissa Opazo from the Oasis en el Desierto school in Pozo Almonte.


We are committed to supporting the communities near our operations in the Tarapacá and Antofagasta Regions, and as such we continue to hold “Employability Workshops.” Run by SQM psychologists who teach participants how to prepare for job interviews and write resumes, these workshops also provide participants the opportunity to apply for job openings available in the Company.  These workshops seek to increase the number of locals working at SQM sites. This effort is carried out in conjunction with various Employment Opportunity offices located in area towns such as Pozo Almonte and Alto Hospicio.


In 2019, SQM continued its work with the Pintado Farming Colony through the Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association and the Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association, while also providing specific support to local farmers. The work has focused on fostering good agriculture practices through guidance from SQM professionals in enhancing soil structures with sand and washing to recover new arable soil; assisting with the implementation of irrigation systems designed to save water; providing agricultural equipment for soil preparation, seeds and plants, all of which is supplemented with a plant nutrition program. Other initiatives have also been carried out such as growing melons and watermelons, planting grape vines and experimenting with coconut fibers as a means to introduce new techniques as alternatives to farmland substitution. Tierras de Jehová Multicultural Indigenous Association: the association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for enhancing soil structure and texture and purchasing agricultural machinery. Juventud del Desierto Aymara Indigenous Association: The association’s eight farmers and their families have received support for soil enhancement, irrigation and fertilization techniques, and purchasing agricultural materials, equipment and seeds.