Local officials visit hydroponic center at Iquique correctional facility
This initiative is part of an agreement between SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition and the Chilean National Prison Administration (Gendarmería) to provide knowledge and prepare female inmates for social reintegration.
The hydroponic project inside the Iquique Penitentiary Correctional Center (PCC) has been in operation for just over a year. This week a delegation of local authorities, accompanied by executives from SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition (IPN), visited the center to learn about its operations and the inmates’ commitment to maintaining it.
During the tour, the delegation visited the facilities and spent time with the beneficiaries, who explained the technology used and the different products harvested at the site. The delegation included the regional director of Gendarmería, Colonel Juan Carlos Zamora, accompanied by the PCC’s warden, Captain Tania Ramos, as well as the VP Legal for SQM IPN, Gonzalo Aguirre; the Deputy Manager of Social Programs for SQM IPN, Atilio Narváez; and regional representatives from the ministries of Mining, Agriculture, Justice and Women and Gender Equity for the Tarapacá Region.
“The outcome has exceeded our expectations, it’s very positive. Thanks to the prison population’s efforts, these women have acquired knowledge that will serve them when they are released. The fact that an inmate from this project is now working in the La Tirana greenhouse is very positive and demonstrates that social reinsertion does exist,” commented Colonel Juan Carlos Zamora.
Atilio Narváez, Deputy Manager of Social Programs at SQM IPN, was proud of what the beneficiaries have accomplished, noting that “in April we will commemorate two years since the first stone was laid for this project and, to date, the outcomes are very good. Several inmates have been trained and four have been released. One works with us at the greenhouse in La Tirana, hired by the foundation in charge of the site (Factor de Cambio). She is currently putting a lot of heart into her work. The team has received her very well. She is an example of the concept of reintegration that is the driving force behind this great initiative.”
At present, the inmates are producing lettuce, beets, chard, radishes, peppers, scallions, carrots, among other products like including melons and sunflowers. Cristina Ávalos, a beneficiary of this project, commented on the experience during the first 12 months of operation: “We went from having nothing to producing a lot and the people who come can see how we are 100% dedicated to hydroponics and keep everything clean and orderly. SQM and Gendarmería have supported us in this project and we are very grateful for that. Currently there is a large list of other inmates who want to join the hydroponic project, which will help this initiative continue.”
The regional representative for the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, Noemí Salinas, has been familiar with the project since its inception. She highlighted the collaborative work between the institutions involved: “we are proud to see the women’s work in this PCC, aimed at social reintegration, which they demonstrate daily through their efforts. It is very important to give real opportunities to inmates for after they’re released.”
SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition, a world leader in its business lines, reaffirms its commitment to the sustainable development of agriculture in northern Chile, through specialized support from its team of agronomists, developing unique capabilities that transform resources into life and progress.