SQM develops some of its projects in areas with a significant presence of indigenous communities. In conformity with the standards of Convention N° 169 of the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the he United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to which our Policy adheres, and in light of the best practices regarding indigenous peoples and the mining industry, SQM guides its relations with communities and human groups belonging to indigenous peoples potentially affected by its projects within a framework of good faith, participation, respect for their culture and autonomy, and the search for shared value.
In this sense, at SQM we aspire that our projects not only achieve environmental and social sustainability, but also and in particular, that they promote the development and strengthening of communities and human groups belonging to indigenous peoples present in their area of influence, with full respect for their rights, culture, and territories, adopting the definition of indigenous peoples of the aforementioned Convention N° 169.
SQM´s Indigenous Communities Approach is therefore built on the following core lines of work:
- 5.A.i Informed participation, with transparency and cultural relevance
Our standard policy for citizen participation and transparency regarding our projects and their possible effects is reinforced in relation to potentially affected indigenous communities, with a special attention and recognition of their cultural specificity, traditional forms of organization and ways of life, and their special relationship with the territory they inhabit.
Participation and prior participation with indigenous relevance is further strengthened in accordance with current legislation, with continuous willingness to seek informed and good faith agreements with the communities and their traditional authorities, in order to effectively incorporate their points of view, resolve their concerns, and incorporate the necessary measures to avoid, mitigate or repair any possible impact. To this end, SQM has incorporated various mechanisms for participation and dialogue, including the signing of relationship and cooperation agreements, the creation of working groups, rounds of meetings, information and complaint channels, and joint monitoring processes.
- 5.A.ii Promotion of the development of indigenous communities
Alongside the active incorporation of a range of participation standards for work with indigenous communities, SQM has developed a will continue to develop an extensive support and cooperation policy for application with indigenous communities in the area of influence of its projects. SQM supports initiatives that are undertaken jointly from the earliest stages, offer a direct benefit to associated indigenous communities, and respect their culture, ancestral practices, and traditions. These initiatives must also be evaluated periodically to ensure that they meet international standards and best practices linked to indigenous communities.